Family Photography

Until 31.05.24 I will do your Family shoot for FREE!

If you’ve got to this part of my website because you’re interested in Family Photography - then I shall cut to the chase and give you the run-down!…


This is what I aim for every time! Having photos of a great day outdoors with your loved ones, (be them humans or 4 legged or both!) is a great way to cherish memories. Every time you see the photos, you remember the day.

I live in rural Hertfordshire in a village called Benington. It has glorious walks with open fields, long grass and woodlands. It’s the perfect setting for a walk to capture treasured memories. There are also some lovely gems of locations in Hertford with water to paddle on a summers day.
If you have a location you’d love to go for a walk in for the photos to be taken, let me know! I will come to you.


£100 for a 2 hour session in a location of your choice. This includes a chat on the phone beforehand to get an idea of what you’d like to capture.
You’ll receive high quality edited photos in a digital format, as many as I can possibly send you! You can print them, share them or simply save them for a time you want to look at them.

Some beautiful locations I’ve previously found are:
Benington Village
Woodhall Estate and Grounds
Waterford Marsh, Hertford
Goldings Estate
Panshangar Park
Hertford-Ware River